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30 novembre 2011 3 30 /11 /novembre /2011 16:25

th-copie-3.jpgarab-springth-copie-1th-copie-2.jpgAfter having a look at "Conférence-vérité du Dr Rudasingwa Théogene ", in FRANCE-RWANDA TRIBUNE, of April 12, 2011, and all the subsequent robust comments made by various people on the issue, due to the delicate socio-political plight of our country, Rwanda, and bearing in mind that only the supreme interests of the nation should be given more priority rather than being driven by the secular feeling of revenge and retribution that has characterized the rwandan society's socio-ethnic parties; I decided to fight for the ideal socio-political bigger picture for the country, with more viable future perspectives. Never mind who did what , especially that personal or egoistic conflicts never pave way for any progress but negative minds stagnation. In early 20th century, black people in South Africa belonged to various political parties whose membership was almost exclusively made by black people. The collection of those loose parties brought about the ANC. And when the ANC took power, through the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, people were able to pave the ways forward ( albeit i reckon that it was not perfect ),and, at least, the step was taken. It would be healthy to consider the same approach for countries with secular socio-political divides within the society. And something must be done, at some point in time, and by someone. One will never wait for angels to come down on earth, and rule for him or her,  to contribute constructively. And again, never mind those who are showing lack of confidence as they also have their reasons , legitimate or erronous, to behave accordingly. Even Moses was contested by his very same tribe's men. But with time, some of those people may end up seing the light. Hence, i find it wise to give the Rwanda National Congress and its prominent founders the benefit of the doubt, and an objective and constructive social and moral support if we are realy patriots who honestly love the country. When all live forces of the nation will be put together in a politically coordinated manner, rwandans will be up to some socio-political changes. Since mid february, people from black subsaharan countries have been following admiringly what they perceive as audacious, even temerary acts of socio-political revolution by the masses of people in the arab countries , and dictators like Kaddafi , Hosni Moubarak, Ben Abidine, were ousted. In Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, people still prefer to die rather than living the way they do. But admiring buddies from Cameroun with Paul Biya on power since 1982; Angola with  Dos Santos, since 1979; Equatorial Guinea with Obiang Nguema since 1979; Swaziland with king Swati since 1986; Uganda with Museveni since 1986; Burkina Faso with Blaise Compaoré  since 1987,- and the list can go on...- are just hoping for the second coming of Jesus to see matters change in their countries. In all these countries in Africa, everybody knows that only a small group of people of some kind of socio-esoterical character is ruling the country. For instance, in my native country Rwanda, people had to wait for 30 years to express their legitimate dissent with regards to the then ethnic hutu dominated regimes. Those were the times of the so-called independences that turned out to be the beginning of a sinister socio-political downfall. Are the people going to wait again for decades to oust dictators in this 21st century?

In Rwanda, calling themselves liberators of the rwandan masses, the RPF did not take time to betray their sense of thirst for an absolute power absorption. And today everybody, except that minority in good books of the regime of Kagame( for the time being ! ) is just living the rwandan saying that goes like. " only dancers have changed , but the tune is still the same." People in Rwanda should stand up the way they did in 90s against the regime of Habyalimana.Time has come that people in third world countries learn to stand up, and fight for their rights. If necessary bear Martin Luther King Jnr words as their revolutionary motto:" un homme qui n'est pas capable de mourir pour une juste cause n'est digne de vivre" . Kagame through his diabolical 06 April 1994 stratageme sacrificed almost one million of his fellow tutsi ethnic, decimating millions of Hutu in Rwanda and Eastern Congo,to get to power. But political alliances are moving like in a cycle, and, in a recent future, all live forces of the nation will have to unite against the RPF regime. People are no longer scared to die for their political positions because this is needed. Remember that even Moses did not enter the promised land. Rwandans have to put the supreme interests of the nation before any other personal or individual consideration. Like the revolutionary Thomas Sankara." La patrie ou la mort , nous vaincrons." A person can be killed, but not the ideal project of the society.



Mayele Deogratias KAREGEYA

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29 novembre 2011 2 29 /11 /novembre /2011 13:27

th--76--copie-3.jpgkigali-copie-2.jpgAfter going through the comment by one"AmieDuRwanda" on the article: Paul K, one of the major genocidaires of our era, in FRANCE-RWANDA TRIBUNE, May 31 2010, i was not surprised by such a comment because any politicaly advised, objective person with some credible mind, within the specific context of Rwanda, will not waste time playing the" troubadour" for a regime that could be easily labelled the worst dictatorship in Africa. To people like"AmieDuRwanda" , i wanted to remind that in 2011, citizens are more  aware of the fact that physical infrastructures should be seen as just an aspect of  development when they are really serving the nation , not just a small group of people ruling  the country esotericaly.  When RPF invaded Rwanda,in 1994, Rwanda was the most stable country in the great lakes region of central and eastern africa.It boasted of the best roads; the rwandan currency was far stronger than the ugandan and tanzanian shilling, the burundian franc, needless to mention , the ridiculous zaïrian " nouveaux zaïre ". Our telecommunication facilities were far the best in the region, and the country was just embarking on the rural telephony project. Was that enough for the regime of Habyalimana to call RPF inyangarwanda, the national common ennemy who did not care about peace and development of the country for plunging it into a civil war ? Of course no,....these people - the RPF- talked of a systematical socio-ethnical injustice, and the polarization of the country , with an "underprivileged" southern Nduga and a " privileged" nothern Kiga. By analogy, for some people, the same way just a group of people benefit from any regime regardless of their ethnic group or region of origin does serve to make a blind generalization. We all know that there have always been some few exceptional cases that were confirming that state of matters. Anyone with his or her brain in order could not use such cases of exception to say that the Nduga-Kiga issue did not exist or was just irrelevant. The regimes of Kayibanda, and that of Habyalimana marginalised Tutsis, but at the same time we know of tutsis who were very close to Habyalimana, people like Kajeguhakwa or Habimana Bonaventure. But these were just an insignificant proportion if compared with masses of thousands and thousands of tutsis who were even less better treated than hutu refugees from Burundi. Today, for almost similar motives, the regime in Kigali is hand picking some hutus, or former members of the FAR as political strategical cards for the sake of a deceiving international political image. Is that a relevant political defence element to say that the country is fine, people are living in peace, and the country has achieved development? The RPF, under various facets are controling all the sectors of daily life activities. No connection, no right ( or favor !). People blamed, with reason, Akazu or the" réseau zéro"  for the degradation of the society, all that culminating in the calamity of 1994. But paradoxicaly, the same technics and tactics are applied, today, to serve the interests of those who were calling themselves liberators of the oppressed masses. One can only feel terribly sorry for the real genocide survivors as the Kagame regime as turned them into the worst mockery of themselves. No one will refute the fact that Kigali has notably expanded , but the almighty unofficial wing of the RPF is ruling the country as with a remote control device. But i rest convinced that the best teacher is time, and  vox populi vox dei, and God is never too late. But for a dictator like Paul Kagame one can guess that it will be too late to quit honourably. When Rwandans keep quiet, only a fool may think that everything is fine. Just like a time bomb, in due time, the situation will get out of hands, masses of people getting into the streets, and,  that time around, the worst will be yet to come.


Mayele Deogratias KAREGEYA

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28 novembre 2011 1 28 /11 /novembre /2011 16:04

th--99-.jpgth.jpgth--100-.jpgJe lisais le témoignage de Thomas Kamilindi: Rusesabagina et l'Hôtel des Milles Collines, in FRANCE-RWANDA TRIBUNE, publié le 21 novembre 2011...... Je me rappelle que quelques temps après le génocide, j'avais posé mes yeux sur une publication américaine avec un titre très évocatif sur ce qui se passait au Rwanda. Le titre en question était: DEVILS ARE NOT IN HELL, THEY ARE IN RWANDA. Force est de constater que plus de quinze ans viennent de passer depuis cette publication, mais cette assertion reste de jour en ce qui concerne le Rwanda. Sans parti pris, je ne vois pas pourquoi tout ce brouhaha, tollé sans fondement fiable sur Rusesabagina. Est-ce un miracle qu'au Rwanda on pût avoir des gens qui avaient encore un coeur humain au moment où la compassion semblait être la vertu la plus adéquate...car il fallait faire montre d'insensibilité hors du commun vis à vis de ces pauvres tutsis non armés ou certains hutu qui avaient  commis, dans le temps, la maladresse d'avoir eu raison trop tôt en criant, corps et âmes, contre ce qu'ils appelaient la dictature de Habyalimana?....koko izina niryo bantu: NGORORABANGA. L'équation n'est pas difficile à effectuer quant  à la recherche des racines. Clairement et simplement, toute vérité qui ne "caresse" pas le pouvoir de Kagame- pas lui seulement ; car même du temps de Habyalimana, on devait ou bien chanter ses "hauts faits", ou bien se retrouver au tristement fameux bureaux de la criminologie, et subir les tortures sadiques du diable SIMBIKANGWA, dans sa chaise roulante, une fois qu'on avait osé jouer l'intellectuel objectif en politique- dans " le sens des poils" sera transformée en idéologie du génocide, divisionisme, sectarisme et..... que sais-je encore  ? Comme si les crimes commis par les autres constituent un prétexte pour l'absolution de ceux qui l'ont été par le FPR. Again, one does not need to be a prophet of doom to foresee somberer political future perspectives if the rwandan society remains built on miscreancy, political and ethnic parties specialising in reciprocal mud smearing. Rwanda has lived the human catastrophy because regimes have never been willing to go out clean and clear on the roots of evils within the rwandan society. Cette vision manichéenne séculaire entre les principales composantes socio-ethniques fait que le Rwanda reste toujours" une bâtisse avec un volcan actif comme fondation". Devons-nous attendre encore 30 ans pour que de l'extérieur une force armée envahisse le pays? Et cela jusque quand? Alors le Rwanda risquerait de se retrouver transformé en un cycle inférnal. Néamoins, je commence à croire que, dans un sens, il deviendra impératif de mettre en place une commisssion: verité et reconciliation; à la sud-africaine, et qui pourra servir d'amorce à une certaine transformation du conflit, en vue d'une éventuelle résolution. Entendons-nous bien, ici on parle d'un projet de société, et non des individus qui ont posé les jalons comme précurseurs. Ceci parce que dans le contexte socio-politique du Rwanda, personne n'a été sans reproches , tout le monde ayant contribué peu ou prou , directement ou indirectement  à l'état de drame que nous continuons à vivre. Ne soyons pas de courte mémoire.


 Mayele Deogratias KAREGEYA

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25 novembre 2011 5 25 /11 /novembre /2011 18:45
th--97--copie-1.jpgth--98--copie-1.jpgGoing through the last lines of the article : Tony Blair trips to Africa and an intriguing friendship, in FRANCE - RWANDA TRIBUNE 
November 14 , 2011; i just had something reminding me of the saying" you do not teach an old dog new tricks"
The very last lines read :"  Mr Blair will be hoping that the Kagame regime, at least in the future, embraces
democracy rather than clamps down on it further." This, in itself, is a clear lousy way of admitting that the UK' s
illustrous protégé is just an autocratic political character. It goes on  " ......he wil just have to hope that Mr
Kagame, despite Rwanda's bloody past, can be steered by his team of enthusiatic charity workers down the

democratic path. Mr Kagame's opponents have their doubts.."

    Sometimes, though, like any other opponent of the regime in Kigali, i think that being pessimistic might be

    the most realistic approach when one has to ponder pragmatically the socio-political plight of Rwanda. 

    Miracles do happen, and unless they do, it is unlikely to happen that a dictator of Kagame's calibre


    Once, in the roman catholic seminary, monseigneur Félix Kabayiza used to tell us: " one does not give what

    he/she does not have.This is a principle of philosophy."

    Some one who got to power by means of swords, will not easily surrender it just because people are making

    noise against him. Talk of the french saying:" les chiens aboient, la caravane passe." Amazing is the fact that

    the very same superpowers supporting him today will be the first ones to play the "pyromanes" in due time for

        them to call, in open, mister Kagame the worst dictator of the decade. I rest convinced that the greed for power

    is the strongest type of dope for politicians' collective minds. Or is it that dictators are not being allowed safer

    and guaranteed honourable escapes to relinquish power in time ?  On the other hand, are they really ready to

    quit ? Why did Mobutu, Savimbi, Kadhafi, Saddam, Hosni Moubarak, Pinochet,.......had to wait untill it was too

    late for them to quit power ? At least , let's hope that the ignominious way Kadhafi and Laurent Gbagbo were

    ousted from power will serve to warn dictators , like Paul Kagame and others in Africa or any wherelse in the

    world , making them more conscious of the fact that one day or another, they may find themselves listening to l

   to last times' voices telling them :"downpressorman, where you gonna run to ...?"                                                                                                               

    One may not be an advocate of violence, be it physical or emotional, but one may condone the fact that people

    have to consider a physical violence approach as a last resort once all civilised mechanisms aiming at solving the

    problem are leading to socio-political impasse. Just simply proving fruitless. RPF did not wait for Habyalimana to

    give the green light when they were ready to attack the country, brandishing in the eyes of the international

    community their legitimate socio-political demands against the then hutu dominated regime. The right to the

    country , equal rights and justice were such absolute and universal principle that they did not see the need for a

    peaceful settlement of the issue. October 1 , 1990 , they took arms against the regime ......only, today, to be

    acting the same way as the old one, under different colours and slogans.  " What goes around , comes around "  

  , only an armed political force can make the difference for any eventual regime change in Rwanda. What is

   happening in Kigali is just a game of political masquerading. In the wake of all the socio-political turmoil they

   have lived, Rwandans have already ceased to be naive. They can only pretend, just for the sake of their security,

   and it would be suicidal for a ruler to think of being clever enough to take them for granted . Once again , " la

   patrie ou la mort ,  l'idéal vaincra ." Mayele Karegeya


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24 novembre 2011 4 24 /11 /novembre /2011 17:30


                   Suite à l'article : " La Grande Bretagne a t-elle besoin qu'on lui confirme le caractère criminel du régime de Paul Kagame", je ne peux que confirmer le caractère multifacial des puissances occidentales . Ce qui est paradoxal, c'est que les soit disant protégés de ces puissances sont les premiers à savoir qu'au moment opportun, les mêmes puissances vont tramer leurs chutes. Si quelqu'un avait dit que la religion est l'opium du peuple, je pense que je serais juste en affirmant que le pouvoir est l'opium des politiciens, en général, et des chefs d'états, en particulier.  

Je crois que tout revient à ce qu'un penseur avait dit que tout individu devient redevable vis à vis de celui qui lui a rendu un service, grave et pire c'est quand une personne qui préside aux destinées de tout un peuple devient une marionette politique des puissances qui l'aident à se maintenir au pouvoir. Mais c'est ainsi. L'indépendance des pays du Tiers Monde n'est que nominale. Et les pays dévelopés, mus par leur sacro saint principe:" pas d'intérets, pas d'actions", tirent profit matériel, politique, et économique. Ils ne sont pas à blamer. Ce qu'ils font paraît normal et naturel, à leurs yeux, car il s'agit d'un self service, et le plus zèlé ou plus fort remporte la part du lion. 

Et malheur à celui qui oserait initier quelques mécanismes parlesquels les super puissances risqueraient de perdre leur main mise ou hégemonie. Par exemple, mis à part l'excuse, tout de même fondée, de mener combat contre la dictature de Kaddhafi, en Libye, les gens les plus averties diront tout simplement:" il y a anguille sous roche". Bien que Dictateur, il est vrai  que Kaddhafi -avec son zèle pour une Union  Africaine- devenait potentiellement le pire ennemi du monde occidental. Il a eu tort de se porter initiateur des mécanismes qui pourraient reléguer les occidentaux à un second plan.   

Imaginez-vous une Afrique avec son Fond Monétaire, sa Banque Centrale, sa Banque d'investissement. Et tout cela couronné d'une devise forte: un dinhar en or comme terme de l'échange. Les gens devraient desormais comprendre que les raisons officielles ont toujours été moins detérminant que celles officieuses chaque fois qu'il s'est agi de renverser, chasser ou tuer un dictateur. Qui est le suivant ?  Le plus gênant , bien sûr. Pas en termes de bonne gouvernance, mais en ce qui concerne les intérets directs des super puissances. Mais, je ne pense pas qu'il y ait quelqu'un pour leur faire face. C'est comme si tous sont devenus couards et se sont resignés à plier leurs queues entre les jambes, et cela avec raison, car nous n'avons que des aventuriers de tout bord qui,du jour au lendemain , se sont improvisés libérateurs du peuple pour l'asservir et le maintenir sous le joug .

Jusqu'ici , il y a ceux qui n'ont pas encore compris que la libération ne se sollicite pas. On se saigne à blanc pour elle . Mayele Deogratias Karegeya

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